Monday, October 26, 2009

Concept Refinement - Outcome

Concept Refinement

From the fourth development, i went back to the previous design, and try to make the reinforcement inside the chair to be stronger, by combining 2 of the 2 interlocking planes. Plus, i modified the shape a bit, by removing the middle part of the stool.

Cutting the Template

Half-Assembled Stool + Reinforcement

Reinforcement Inside the Stool

Detail of Locking System

More Views of Stool + Reinforcement

Having the pair of interlocking reinforcement joined together, creates more strength for the chair, and still keeping the shape of the chair as a geometric form. I have decided to go on with this design for the final. :)

Design Development 4

From the Design Development 3, i tried to improve the strength of the chair by generating the shape; punching two of the sides in so that it has some kind of 'Extra strength'.

Cutting the Template

Outcome of the Trial

Because i made this model out of 3mm cardboard, it is quite hard to do the locking system, because the material is too thick. I don't really like this chair, because it is also using a lot of material, as well as not much strength happening.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Another furniture inspiration

Finnish designer Sebastian Janson presented a new collection at the Salone Satellite in Milan this year.

HABITUS is a bar stool inspired by "studying the formation of coffee leaves", constructed form geometric shapes. With its sculptural appearance, It gives character to a space and environment, inviting the eye to glance over its anthropomorphic structure. By studying the formation of coffee leafs, Jansson was able to re-create the stool through this intricate arrangement of geometric forms, whilst maintaining its aesthetic qualities and comfort. It is constructed from lsaer cut steel, folded then welded.

Another work of his is CUMULUS modular lamp, a contemporary study of two materials. The light is deflected in six directions within a sphere, and diffuses the light in a spectacular manner, creating an optical illusion. The use of Velcro® Ultramate® as a joining mechanism, creates an extremely rigid framework as together it forms the skeletal structure for light diffusion. The aesthetic of the light has been inspired by clouds, as there is no limit to how this system can be arranged. Yet again, Cumulus is a reflection of Jansson’s geometric interpritation of the organic environment.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Full Scale 'Mock-Up'

Design Development 3

First paper trial that i did before doing the full scale mock up. i was trying to make a 'diamond like' chair, which has 16 sides at the middle and 8 sides at the top and bottom part.


Paper Try-Out and Drawings

This Chair was absolutely driving me crazy, even constructing it with paper. The parts to be joined is too small, and made it really difficult to assemble.

Second Paper trial : i tried to reduce the sides down, from 16 to 12 for the middle part, and the top and bottom part has 6sides. This one made it easier to assemble, but still it wouldn't fit into 1800x1200 cardboard. Here are the template, some paper model shots and drawings.


Paper Model and Drawings

Finally, the full scale 'Mock Up' that i did from refining the second paper trial design. i reduce the size of the middle part, so that it can fit the xanita board that will be given for the final. The size of the seat will be 300x300mm, and the height will be approximately 470mm.

Template for Full Scale 'Mock-Up'

Cut the Template

Locking System Detail

Assembling the Chair part 1

Assembling the Chair Part 2

Assembling the Chair Part 3


This chair is not really successful yet, and when i tried to sit on it, seems like its not strong enough. Maybe because the material that i used is from a recycled cardboard box, and already had some folds. Hopefully it will be stronger in xanita. :)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Inspirational Images

Amazing Carboard Sound Box for sound installation designed by Gehry with its unique physical consistency, its decidedly axial strength, and its deadening acoustic absorption that corrugated cardboard has many inherent qualities. It is made from 720 half square sheets of 7mm thick corrugated cardboard, stacked in 360 layers, and set within a 2.5m cube. As a space for listening to and experiencing music, the initial concept for the design developed from the Gehry’s ambition to create a strong spatial intensity and a distinct internal atmosphere. It has a profound duality with an irregular free-form interior set within a regular cubic volume. Made from one material it also has an implied solidity that strengthens the relationship between inside and out.

This cool piece of furniture from Leokempf is made from corrugated cardboard. It is called the Speech Bubble Cardboard Coffee Table. The project behind this cardboard funiture and some other cardboard pieceswas born out of the desire to create cardboard furniture for the masses that anyone could fashion from scrap cardboard.

Another cool cardboard furniture made out of Xanita Board. I like how the form is constructed from two parts that is slotted together to form this amazing chair / table. I also like the way they put the logo / branding on top of the piece.

This one off Cardboard Cafe from B3 Designers is constructed during the London Design Festival. The use of lighting inside the cardboard makes it "Special".

Design Development 2

Development of Concept 1

I try to have another go on the design of the chair. In this design, it only consists of one part, which is then duplicated into 6 of them, and using slotting system for each other until the first part joins the sixth part. First, i did some tryouts through paper.

Paper Tryout

Then, making it on 2mm cardboard. The first image is the drawing of the templates. Then continues to the process of assembling the chair.

Templates of the Parts

First Two Parts

First Three Parts

Four Parts Joined Together

All Six Parts Joined Together

Another View of the Combined Templates

This Multifunctional Chair is designed for outdoor purposes, to give more relationship with nature, that is why it is designed quite low. As well as if the seat is taken off, the inside of the chair can be used as storage. The benefit of this design is that it is easy to assemble, and have multi purposes.

1:5 Design Concept of Multifunctional Chair

Development of Concept 2

i tried to make my 3rd concept from my week 8 Esquisse to have some curve to be more ergonomic, for two attempts. The first one failed, because i had the wrong measurements. Here are some photos of my first attempt.

On the second attempt, i tried to remeasure everything from the mistakes of my first attempt, and came up with this template. Some of the lines are to be scored, and some are to be cut.

Template of Second Attempt

Below is the final product of 1:5 chair that i tried to add curves. There are 2 parts which have the curvature : the edge of the seat, and the middle part of the seat, to create more comfortable feel of sitting. This chair consists of two parts, and these parts can be separated or joined together. If it is separated, the top part can become a freestanding sculptural form, and the bottom part can be a storage.

1:5 Design Concept of Ergonomic Chair

Monday, October 5, 2009

Week 8 - Stage Three : Design Development and Scale Models

More Research on SaloneSatellite to Take Down Some Keypoints for Chair Concepts

Some Sketches of Ideas for the Chair


-Lounge Chair as a "Power Seat", and having full back to support the body to be more comfortable.
-Incorporate exhibitors who use ceiling as their exhibition elements (eg Lighting)

Resolving Idea Through Sketches

Model Making: Cutting the pieces to assemble the chair

Detail One : Main Locking Method

Detail Two : Side Lock

1:5 Scale Model and Montage


-Stool for reading, and "Power Seat", quick seat.
-Advantage : Can be a Storage for books, etc

Resolving Idea Through Sketches

Reinforcement Using Slotting Method

Reinforcement to be put Inside the Stool

Outer Shape of Stool and the Reinforcement

Detail of Slotting Method used for the Outer Shape of Stool

1:5 Scale Model and Montage


-Stool, can be part of exhibition or freestanding chair to be scattered around exhibition
-Advantage : Multifunctional, can be seperated and put as a sculptural piece and storage

Resolving Idea Through Sketches
Drawing First Part of Chair Template

Drawing Second Part of Chair Template

Cutting those 2 templates on top of the Cardboard, and Assembling Them;

These two pieces can be a free standing piece or storage

The 2 Pieces will form a Chair if Stacked on Top of Each Other

1:5 Scale Model and Montage